August Newsletter (About our Class)

About Me
I am Kim Pandov and I have 13 years total of teaching experience (Prek-2nd grade) in 4 states (Texas, Florida, Kentucky, and Missouri).  Oklahoma is now my 5th state!  I taught Kindergarten last year at Jenks East Elementary.  This is my first year at Jenks West Elementary. I am married and my husband’s name is Todor.  We have two boys, 7 yr old Mason, and almost 3 yr old Jaden.
Classroom Communication
Class Email List
Our group email is now set up. If you are not getting my emails please email me at so I can add you. I am hoping to send a daily email at the end of the day (if time permits) with a link to our class website letting you know about our day. The kids are helping me write them so they may ask if you get them!  

Class Website
Please visit our class website regularly and bookmark it! Our class website will provide you with lots of important class information such as: our daily schedule, my contact information, newsletters and homework! I will also post the daily emails our kids help me write on it. Our website is easy to use and the language can be translated to most languages! Just scroll to the bottom of any page to select the language desired.

Daily Take Home Folder
Your child will have a blue take home folder that they bring home every night in their backpacks. (Please no rolling backpacks.)  Inside folders you will find completed work and information that may need your attention before Friday! If there is any work that your child did not finish I will put it in their folder so that it can be completed and returned to school. My hope is that having a take home folder will help stress the importance of finishing work, doing our best, and sharing it with our family.  The folder is to be emptied and returned each day. On Thursdays I will put in any information from our school to keep you informed about things happening at JWE and our community. Please be sure backpacks are large enough to hold folders and that an extra change of clothes stays inside it.

Monthly Newsletter
I will send out a newsletter every month by email detailing what we will be doing every month. All newsletters will also be posted on our class website. If you need to receive our newsletters by another method please let me know! PTAG also sends a weekly newsletter that come via email.

Since we are in Kindergarten we do not have a lot of homework. However, I do expect you to read with your child every night! This is very beneficial in helping them learn to read and write! I will also have some homework suggestions in our monthly newsletter that will help reinforce what we are learning at school along with monthly family homework. Every so often I may assign math homework, however I will email you to let you know when a new one is assigned. If you have any questions please let me know!

Trojan of the Week Homework
Please make sure to check our website for more information about Trojan of the week! Your child has a special week assigned to bring their bag and be our featured friend. I will send an email reminder to you the week before your child is to share!  (Ashley is our first Trojan of the week!)

Lunch and Snack
Our class goes to lunch at 11:25-11:45. If you want your child to eat school lunch you may purchase a lunch ticket in Building C or put money on your students account at Please make sure to look at the Menu to make sure the food provided is liked by your child. You can also send a lunch from home. Please put your child's name on their lunch box! If you would like to eat lunch with your child, sign in at the office, and meet us in the cafeteria!

We will have a snack time daily. At the beginning of each month, please send 25 individually wrapped snacks to add to our snack bucket. The children will then be able to select a snack from the bucket each day. Please try not to send peanut products and try to send snacks that are nutritious and store bought. During hot weather, a water bottle may also be brought to school if a "sports bottle" top is on it. Please label the bottle with your child's name and send only water. Please no red drinks or juice pouches. Water bottles will be kept in the side pocket of their backpack.

If you would like to send in store bought birthday treats for your child's birthday or want to come for a 15 minute class celebration, please email me so we can plan accordingly! 

Drop off and Pick Up
Drop Off
Our school hours are 8:50 am-3:25 pm. Students will be dropped off no earlier than 8:30 am. At this time staff will be on duty to monitor the halls. If you wish to come walk your child to the hall please stop by the office and get a lobby guard.

Pick Up
If you are coming inside our building to pick up your child, please go to the office to sign in then wait in the commons.  Students being picked up will come to you there. If you are using car pick up, you will need to form a line in your car around the car loop and school personnel will bring your child to your car. You will need to have a car tag made that will hang from your rear view mirror with your last name to help match children up to cars. Please do not go to your child's classroom, they will be brought to you.

Early Pick Up
When picking up your child early please sign them out at the office with Mrs. Robinson. She will contact me and your child will meet you in the office.

Curriculum Information
Writers' Workshop
Students are instructed in a mini lesson and then are allowed to "write" for an extended period of time. They may write about what they wish to write about and will apply writing skills we have learned in our mini lessons. 

Everyday Math
The name of our math program is called Everyday Math. It allows the students to have a hands-on experience while learning about how math works and how to use it in the world.

At Jenks West we participate in the International Baccalaureate program. It is an inquiry-based learning style that allows students to be involved with the learning of the specific topics. Students will decide which areas they want to explore further. While exploring further they will complete a project to help teach others what they have learned. To learn more, please choose the Primary Years tab under the drop down menu found under West Elementary or visit

Trojan Tickets
Everyday our class will have numerous opportunities to earn Trojan tickets. Trojan tickets are earned when students apply the following IB Attitudes: appreciation, commitment, confidence, cooperation, creativity, curiosity, empathy, enthusiasm, independence, integrity, respect, and tolerance! For every 20 they receive, our class will get a star bead to add to their very own necklace! 

Nap Time
Kindergarten students do not participate in nap time. However there is time during our day that is spent on more quiet activities.

School Websites
(We will have more information about how to use Raz-Kids coming in November)

Educational Websites

I look forward to a great year with your family!