Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18, 2015

Dear Families,
We made a class graph of our favorite colors. Blue won! (Jada)
We read the story A Bad Case of Stripes. (Hyrum) 
It was about a little girl who always tried to please others at her own expense. We discussed how we should feel proud to be ourselves!
We practiced counting by 10's and learned a new card game called Top It! (Xavier) 
Home link 3-15 AND 4-2 can be done to practice these new skills at home!
We also reviewed what we have learned about feelings this week!
We went to the ABL lab! (Cash)
Have a great weekend!

Fall Conference Information:
Please sign up for a fall conference by going to this link!
I look forward to seeing you and talking about the great things your child is doing in school!

Reminders for Monday 9/21:
*Please send nutrition homework to school! Thanks to those that already sent this to school!
*Also send 1-3 photographs of your child! They can be pictures of them alone, with friends, or with family! We will use these in class! 
*West Elementary Family Fitness Night will be on Monday, September 21 from 5:00-6:30 pm in building E gym (900 Adams Rd). Everyone that goes will receive a gift just for attending and the class with the highest attendance will get an extra PE!

Jog-A-Thon this year will be on October 1! Today your child is taking his/her donation packet with information about this fun event. Our class has voted to have a goal of raising $885! That is $40.22 per student. Jesse Crain, one of our homeroom parents will be sending an email soon with information and on things we need. Please be on the lookout for her email!