Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21, 2015

Dear Families,
We are learning about the letters m and n! (Annie) We practiced writing them correctly.
We read the story The Missing Tooth! (Iris) It is about a little girl wanting to loose a tooth and all her friends are loosing teeth! 
We found out that writers write about memories of past events. The Missing Tooth was an example.
We practiced counting on from different numbers! (Skyler) Most of our kids can count easily starting at 0 but starting in random places was much difficult!
We learned about the bread group today! (Ariana) We are using our nutrition pictures from home to learn about the food groups. 

Fall Conference Information:
Please sign up for a fall conference by going to this link!
I look forward to seeing you and talking about the great things your child is doing in school!

*Please send nutrition homework to school! We will use these all week!
*Also send 1-3 photographs of your child! They can be pictures of them alone, with friends, or with family! We will use these in class this week! 
*Today is our first West Elementary Family Fitness Night from 5:00-6:30 pm in building E gym (900 Adams Rd). Everyone that goes will receive a gift just for attending and the class with the highest attendance will get an extra PE!

Jog-A-Thon this year will be on October 1! Today your child is taking his/her donation packet with information about this fun event. Our class has voted to have a goal of raising $885! That is $40.22 per student. Jesse Crain, one of our homeroom parents will be sending an email soon with information and on things we need. Please be on the lookout for her email!