Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19, 2015

Dear Families,
We read our Thanksgiving book to learn more about the pilgrims journey to America! (Rachel)
We practiced writing a complete sentence that ends with a question mark!(Alicia)
We started a new writing story today using fall pictures in writing workshop! (Hyrum)
We reviewed how to subtract using cubes and dice. (Eric)
We read another version of the story The Little Red Hen!
Meterologist Travis Meyer came to talk to us about the weather this afternoon! (Charlie)


  • Remember if you would like to share family traditions with our class you are invited TOMORROW at 1:30 just let me know!
  • I will collect your child's small reading group book from folders tomorrow!
  • Our snack bucket is almost empty already. If you have not sent in 25 wrapped snacks, please do so. The kids were very concerned today!